My guest this week is Elizabeth Hoyt!! This episode was SO MUCH FUN to record and produce and I am so excited to share it with you.
We talk about her latest book, No Ordinary Duchess, writer’s block, emotionally constipated heroes, and the special place for sunshiny heroines. Plus we talk about how genres have changed in popularity over the course of her career.
Side trips include the magic of writing about people who slowly reveal themselves to one another, K dramas, and a tour through some Georgian social history.
But the best part: she takes us through her favorite classic historical romances. I could not have been more delighted and I hope you enjoy it, too.
Discussion of weight stigma and anti-fat bias – it’s about 1 minute long at 29:40
Mention of trauma and death in a fictional work – about 15 seconds at 56:10
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Here are the books we discuss in this podcast:
You can find Elizabeth Hoyt at her website,, and do NOT miss her Pinterest collection!
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Thanks for listening!
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This podcast transcript was handcrafted with meticulous skill by Garlic Knitter. Many thanks.