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Cover design by Farjana Yasmin
Amanda: I love the Lisa Frank of it all.
Sarah: I remain fascinated by the specific color palette of romance covers, and the upper corner/lower corner placement of characters and things relevant to the plot, but in this case, I LOVE THE DOGS SO MUCH MY GOSH. Poodles all day!
Amanda: I love the colors and blushing and chaos.
Sarah: This is so chaotic and full of movement I love it, particularly the expressions on their faces.
Lara: That gets ten out of ten for creepiness.
Amanda: Yes! Love this one!
Sarah: Wait, a broken crown AND skeleton hands as a collar AND an ammonite cameo; this is luscious!
Amanda: I really like these colors, especially to signify two industries (fashion and tech).
Sarah: That’s a gorgeous cover, and I love how her clothing is a specific style and aesthetic that also bridges between the two industries – this is brilliant.
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