Welcome back to Cover Snark!
From Jen: Maybe it’s me but this head does not look natural on this body.
Sarah: Definitely not the head that body came with. Also, is that the dude from Downton Abbey?
Elyse: Looks like Sebastian Stan to me.
Maya: It looks like BBL Spaceman had one too many surgeries.
Sneezy: Why is his left hand in a different plane of existence than the rest of everything? Are push-up bras in fashion again? Where did her legs go? Are those flying jellyfish? Inquiring minds want to know
Shana: I wish more covers incorporated flying jellyfish.
Sarah: I too am most curious about the glowy flying jellyfish! Like, are they buddies? Do they follow the Cursed One around like little night lights?
Shana: Something is wrong with their bodies but I can’t put my finger on what…
Elyse: They look like mannequins.
Sarah: The one on the right has a very very long sternum.
And the hand on the shoulder seems detached? Not touching anything?
Katee Roberts quoted someone when I interviewed her saying that looking for AI in a cover is like trying to see the fae.
That’s how this feels.
From Kareni: Here is a cover to consider for cover snark. Frankly, I have a difficult time figuring out what I am looking at.
Elyse: Does he have to pee? Is that why he’s pulling on his pants?