Help A Bitch Out
This HaBO request is from Delia, who is trying to help a friend find this book:
The heroine is an astronaut or scientist on a fairly normal space travel mission, but ends up either back in time, forward in the future, or in an alternate universe. My friend is confident it’s the same planet, but it has an ancient-yet-futuristic civilization. It’s very metaphysical: crystals, prophetic visions, etc.
They don’t remember any plot details, but the trope is the classic heroine is transported to a new world and meets the hero, then has to decide whether to stay together in the new place or leave him and go back home.
The most memorable part of the book is the use of anti-gravity stickers, which my friend distinctly remembers being nipple pasties — but that could just be a fever dream.
It’s a mass market paperback with a clinch cover or stepback, and the heroine is wearing a borderline translucent dress. The dress or cover may be teal.
It was published before 1999.
We have ruled out Warrior’s Woman by Johanna Lindsey and Quicksilver by Pam McCutcheon, but the plot is somewhere in between those two.
I am intrigued!