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HaBO: Motorcycle Club Makes Adult Films

Help A Bitch Out

This HaBO is from Paige, who wants to find this romance:

This is a biker/motorcycle club romance series where the hero sleeps with the heroine, but doesn’t know that’s it’s actually her.

So the premise is that the motorcycle club is starting a side business of doing adult films with some of the bikers and sweetbutts to make some extra money legally.

The hero in this book is a part of the filming because he’s known to be a womanizer and loves sex. He talks about loving his life because he gets to get in on the action and he can’t believe that this gets to be his new job.

The heroine has a major crush on him and wants him to notice her, but he avoids any type of romantic involvement because (if I remember correctly) she has a family member that is a part of the club like her father being the club president or her sister is with one of the guys. She’s connected in some way.

The heroine finds a way to blackmail one of the club brothers to get her a time slot to film with the hero. She wears some type of disguise so he doesn’t know it’s her. Can’t remember if it’s a wig and mask, but it’s something like that.

He finds out very quickly though, like right after they have sex because I believe she says his name and he recognizes it’s her voice.

And I believe at one point the family member even watches the recording of the porn scene without knowing that it’s their sister or daughter and the hero was super nervous they were gonna find out.

Anyways, obviously they get together.

This book is part of a series. No, it’s not from Sons of Anarchy. It’s a real book lol.

It’s driving me crazy and I know I read it years ago.


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