Help A Bitch Out
This HaBO comes from Arianna, who is hoping to find this romance:
It is a book series and the heroes are all different family members.
In one of the books, the hero’s name is Trevor. He works in construction and is tall, dark, and handsome. He lives in a townhome situation where his neighbour shares like an entrance space with him. She’s short and curvy and not normally his type. He falls for her because she reads him the Twilight series (he has dyslexia). She keeps promising him a sex scene (which doesn’t happen till the last books).
The whole series family is obsessed with food, like they get banned from buffets. Trevor keeps eating the heroine’s food that gets delivered. He ate her PF Chang’s on Thanksgiving and she was really upset. There’s also a scene with a spider being in her bathroom and him getting scared and there may or may not be a dog named Toto involved. And I believe she gets pregnant in this book. There’s another book in the series where I think I’m remembering the names Jace or Jason and Hayleigh.
Can we find this series?
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