Help A Bitch Out
This HaBO is from Varenya, who is looking to find this romance:
It’s been killing me that I can’t figure out what this book is because I’ve been dying to read it again. I remember a fair bit about it but nobody else on the planet seems to have read it. Here are all the details I remember:
The story is pretty Hallmark movie-esque where the female lead (Her name is Lori and she’s named after the Rainbow Lorikeet and she’s not the biggest fan of her name at first), is forced back to her hometown (?) after her father’s death to either revive or sell away her father’s store. The story is set in Australia, there’s a beach and a small community that is mourning the loss of her father and is actively fighting against the development of their little town.
She sets about reviving the little shop by ordering things like popsicles, fun little stationery, and all around making the store something kids and adults alike would want to stop at. She’s got a dog who is really enjoying being back home with all this space.
Sometime into her taking over her father’s store she bumps into this man. Of course there’s an attraction and she ends up falling in love with him.
A few other details I remember:
– There’s a scene where she’s surfing and goes into a cove she’s found and she hurts her foot. He comes to her rescue and it’s a whole cute scene.
– There’s another scene where she’s on the deck of her new home and she’s feeding her dog ice cubes.
– She’s got a friend back in the main city who she’s always talking to.
I hope you can help me out with this!
I know we can find this one!