I believe that reading books and collecting books are two separate yet equally worthy hobbies, just like buying yarn and knitting. Due to social media, and people’s desire to share their love of books (read or unread) there have been several subscription services lately that offer beautiful editions of popular books. I subscribe to Illumicrate, and I really enjoy it.
There is a UK and US version of Illumicrate, and also two subscription options. The first is book-only (which is what I chose) and costs $35.99 a month. The second is a book plus thematically related merchandise and costs $49.99 a month.
I have a lot “stuff” already, so I didn’t want more drinkware, bookmarks or stationary. I enjoy the book-only option because I don’t feel like I’m getting items I won’t use, and I think the price is fair for the quality of the book I’m receiving.
Each book is special edition hardcover with an exclusive cover, sprayed or digitally printed edges, exclusive endpaper art, and the author’s signature.
Illumicrate is an adult fantasy-only subscription, but they do have two sister subscriptions, Evernight (horror) and Afterlight (romance).
The titles of each month’s books aren’t released ahead of time, but teasers are posted on social media and their website. So far I was able to guess each book based on what titles were being released that month, and there also plenty of IG accounts dedicated to sleuthing the titles for multiple monthly book subscriptions.
One of the things I like so much about Illumicrate is that you can skip a month with no penalty. That means if you guess/find spoilers for the book coming out that month and aren’t interested, you aren’t obligated to purchase it.
Billing happens on the first of every month, and so far my books have been shipping to me in about ten days, but I understand production delays have happened.
I’m not collecting these books for the sake of their future value (I remember Beanie Babies), but there are a limited number of copies. Right now you have to sign up for a waitlist before being added to their subscription. I spent about three months on the waitlist before I got the option to buy my first book.
So far every book I’ve purchased has been gorgeous. Sometimes the cover art is entirely different than what was released, and sometimes it’s a more “polished” version of the original art—like with foil or raised designs.
The Illumicrate edition of Fathomfolk has the same art as the mainstream edition, but the colors are slightly different (the addition of purple) and the gold is foil although it’s not showing up well in the photo.
By contrast, the art for A Dark and Drowning Tide is completely different than the mainstream release.

The full-color printing on the hardback inside has the mainstream art, which you can see is very different.
Even if the cover art on the jacket is the same as the mainstream cover, the hardback art will be different.
This is the art for Fathomfolk and I just love it.
Each book is also signed by the author.

There are also illustrated endpapers. This super cool art is from A Dark and Dangerous Tide.
And finally, the sprayed or digitally printed edges. Everyone on social media is all about the edges. SB Sarah asked if any of the ink has come off on my fingers and so far the answer is no.
I really love my Illumicrate subscription. So far the book choices have been in line with my interests with the exception of a few titles, but since there’s no penalty for skipping a month, I just elected not to get those books.
I think the price is right for what I’m getting. A regular edition of a hardcover new release can cost $28, so $35.99 for a special edition with all that gorgeous art seems fair.
I love that beauty of the books I’m getting to proudly display and I love that I’m not locked into a commitment to buy each month. I definitely recommend Illumicrate to any book collector out there.