Hey all!
Are we all trying to keep our heads above water? I’m tossing out metaphorical floaties where I can! The start of the year has been unpleasant, at best.
My partner and I have started doing early bedtimes so we can hang out in bed and watch a movie or catch up on a few shows. It’s been really cozy and lovely. Sometimes we make popcorn! (I usually do a cheesy batch and a batch with M&Ms in it. Sweet and salty bases are covered!) However, I’ve been meaning to watch The Substance and my partner does not do horror movies and it’s almost 2.5 hours long. I’ll have to carve out some “me time” for that one.
Author Theresa Romain sent in this link about alien romance. She says, “A friend sent me a link to this article from Defector about the appeal of alien romance, and I had to pass it on to you all. The author’s analysis struck me as both thoughtful and respectful.”
From the Drawing Links substack, take a peek at the Spring titles from the Princesses Over 40 Publishing House. Thanks to Juhi for sharing this with us!
From Lynn Strong: Last month you posted about Cozyote’s Cozy Fantasy for Trans Rights project, and we learned yesterday that thanks to the outreach a terrible bill was defeated.
This month I’m working on Cozy Fantasy for Disability Rights, which I’m offering to people worldwide even though I personally am in the US.
Outside the US anyone who speaks / writes to their own elected officials on behalf of disabled folks is eligible.
Inside the US we’re encouraging people to speak for telehealth, Medicaid, and against the lawsuit specifically section 504.
It’s an easy process –
1) contact your government folks (lynnstrong.com/bundles has links and recs)
2) email cozybookbundle[at]gmail.com about it
3) I send you 9 free ebooks about disabled folks, many by disabled authors
Enjoy this YouTube video of people’s favorite dance moves! May are tied to world cultures.
Don’t forget to share what cool or interesting things you’ve seen, read, or listened to this week! And if you have anything you think we’d like to post on a future Wednesday Links, send it my way!