Hello, everyone! How are we this afternoon? Anxious? Same, me too!
It’s just been a lot, lately. I’m relishing in whatever goods news I can.
My good news: I get to celebrate three years with my wonderful partner this weekend and I have the opportunity to do some interesting writing work in a couple weeks. I also have some really great cheese in my fridge; it has a rind washed in balsamic. Yum!
What’s your good news?
Big thanks to Gail to sending this one over and apologies for not sharing sooner. There is a Kickstarter for a photo book, highlighting groundbreaking romance authors. The campaign is due to end in around 12 hours.
The Trans Rights Readthon begins this Friday, March 21st!
Diversity in historical romance discourse is making the rounds again, after a particularly disastrous set of comments surfaced in a romance-related Substack. I feel like we revisit this topic every couple years.
Sarah: Dr. Peter J. Barclay from the School of Computing at Edinburgh Napier University sent me some information about their research into AI written books, and reached out based on my write-up of all the AI narrators. Dr. Barclay has a quiz to see if people can distinguish a human-written text with an AI generated text.
Don’t forget to share what cool or interesting things you’ve seen, read, or listened to this week! And if you have anything you think we’d like to post on a future Wednesday Links, send it my way!
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