Welcome back to links! How are we all doing?
My brother and his wife finally landed back in the States for his new assignment and his wife is speedrunning American franchises. She loves trying out American chains. The biggest hit for her so far has been In-N-Out Burger and she’s discovered she’s not a fan of refried beans. As a reminder, she is Korean and my brother was stationed there for a while.
She also saw her first cybertruck and was aghast! I get it, girl.
Shana: This bookstore lets you search by identity/heritage (Black-American, African, Asian, Caribbean, Middle Eastern, Muslim, Jewish, Biracial, etc) and I’m so excited by this approach! I find “diverse” unhelpful as a category.
The Meet Cute Bookshop is moving and they have an Indiegogo campaign to help with expenses. They’ve met their goal, but there is some cute swag on offer.
Maya posted this link about a romance publishing startup in the SBTB slack and we all had a collective WTF moment. Are you as perplexed as we are?
One of my recent interests is slime. I’ve definitely been influenced by a lot of the ASMR videos that come across my feed. One shop that I follow is called OG Slimes and they were recently featured on Refinery29 about their business story. Very black cat meets golden retriever energy. I also thought it was interesting that both of the owners are first generation American and talked briefly about how that has shaped their view of money.
Anyway, thought it was super interesting and they have a cool “gemstone” themed slime release this Friday that I’m excited for. And if you or your kids love slime, let’s talk about it! I made my first purchases from Momo Slimes and Peachybbies recently.
Don’t forget to share what cool or interesting things you’ve seen, read, or listened to this week! And if you have anything you think we’d like to post on a future Wednesday Links, send it my way!