“It was only at that moment, more than a year after her burial, because of that anachronism, which so often prevents the calendar of facts from corresponding to the calendar of feelings, that I became conscious that she was dead.”

Hosted by: Emma Claussen & Hannah Weaver
Proust Curious is a podcast miniseries about the experience of reading À la recherche du temps perdu in its entirety.
Join hosts Emma Claussen and Hannah Weaver for the fourth installment of Proust Curious. Perhaps more than the previous volumes, this volume really has an overriding theme: sexuality, and particularly homosexuality. The book comes back time and time again to the narrator’s fearful but obsessional interest in homosexuality, which swings violently in tone from condemnation to detached amusement. It worries over the tangled relationship between jealousy and love. But it also turns a page in the calendar of feeling as a physical action leads the narrator to remember his beloved, dead grandmother when he returns to Normandy for a second visit. Plus, we wallow in the question, “What is your idea of misery?” Join us as we search for lost time and remember things Proust.
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View a transcript of the episode here.