Reader Question – The biker book where she loses her son and brother in a winter car crash & her ex blames her…

Reader Question - The biker book where she loses her son and brother in a winter car crash & her ex blames her...Ashlee is looking for this one and I have no idea, but hopefully this rings a bell?

She asks:

Help me!!!

Last year I read a book with a female protagonist or not protagonist with a female character, loses her son and brother in a car crash during the winter months.

Her ex husband blames her for it, the biker gang that she knows, and she has PTSD.

She promised herself not to fall in love with a man, but she falls in love with a man that I believe is not part of the biker gang.

Help me

Anyone have a guess?

Reader Question - The biker book where she loses her son and brother in a winter car crash & her ex blames her...

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Reader Question - The biker book where she loses her son and brother in a winter car crash & her ex blames her...

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Reader Question - The biker book where she loses her son and brother in a winter car crash & her ex blames her...

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