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Reader Question – The book where he they are in love but he marries her cousin instead, and falls in love with her…

Reader Question - The book where he they are in love but he marries her cousin instead, and falls in love with her...Mila needs our book help and OMG oooooooooh this one sounds IN.FUR.IAT.ING!!!!!!!! HOLY MOLY her description just made me madder and madder. And yet… I’m so intrigued!

Mila asks:

RE: Help me find this book. Mafia. Ow drama. Hero puta ow first

I actually hated this book and I believe the words epic love, or soulmates, or maybe star-crossed lovers where used in the blurb book. I can’t recall.

The book is a dark romance. Maybe mafia or a crime organization thing going on.

The thing is that this book made me really mad because even when the hero claims to love the heroine a lot, because of his lifestyle he decided to marry her cousin,  and then he even falls in love with this other woman while our heroine can’t move on.

I hated him so much because we have our heroine trying to move on but then he comes back into her life to sacrifice her life in order to save his baby mamma. Because some bad people made him choose, whether it’s his wife or the heroine, but one of then has to die and

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…since the wife he also loves is carrying his heir he decided to kidnap the heroine and gives her to the bad guys so they can kill her, he later regrets this, but for me it was too late.

You can’t call this epic love whe he was willing to let other people murder her to save the other woman.

I don’t remember the name of the book. I think it was trilogy??
I hope you can help me .

Thanks ❤️

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Reader Question - The book where he they are in love but he marries her cousin instead, and falls in love with her...

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Reader Question - The book where he they are in love but he marries her cousin instead, and falls in love with her...

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Reader Question - The book where he they are in love but he marries her cousin instead, and falls in love with her...

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