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Reader Question – The book where they all had special abilities and they meet in a subway station for a mission…

Reader Question - The book where they all had special abilities and they meet in a subway station for a mission...PJ is looking for this one! This is question #2 in her trio list of questions. 🙂

She asks:

Looking for a book.

This one was a fantasy type action/romance.

There was a group of people that met in a subway station to get set up to go on some kind of mission.  They all had special abilities,  or were mutants or creatures of some type.  The main character was vampire and he was falling for, or in love with, one of the others, and she was Shape-shifter I believe.

Any ideas would be great.

Thank you! Happy new year!

Anyone have a guess?

Reader Question - The book where they all had special abilities and they meet in a subway station for a mission...

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Reader Question - The book where they all had special abilities and they meet in a subway station for a mission...

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Reader Question - The book where they all had special abilities and they meet in a subway station for a mission...

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