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Romantic Times Rewind: May 2015 Ads & Features

Smart Podcast Trashy Books Romantic Times RewindIn this week’s podcast episode, we’re looking at the glorious  ads and features for the May 2015 issue of RT Magazine.

Thank you to Claire A. for this issue, and for some of the backstory!

You can also find all the RTRW content at our category page for Romantic Times Rewind. 

If you want to listen and follow along with this entry, we have more detail in the audio, but you can click play and listen and read and absorb all the visual goodness:

This month’s cover features a novel by Susanna Kearsley – who coincidentally has a book out this month!

RT Book Reviews featuring the cover image of Susanna Kearsley's A Desperate Fortune, which includes a photograph of a red haired woman with flowers in her updo turned away from the viewer with a floral scarf over her shoulders

This cover is the US edition of A Desperate Fortune, but Amanda discovered that on Kearsley’s book page on her website, you can see animations of all the different editions of her cover art – it’s very cool.

Her new book is The King’s Messenger, and so far I am enjoying it a LOT.

We discussed in the Reviews episode that this was PEAK “Put a dog on it” in terms of cover design.

A contemporary romance in 2015? Put a dog on it.

Like, get a load of this Great Dane whose leash is REALLY NOT REAL.

An ad for Kate Angell's no One Like You, with the cover art forming the majority of the ad. There's a grey great dane over to the right with a leash on - but the leash is clearly photoshopped. The leash wraps around (not really) the legs of a couple on the left, as they stand in on the beach. It's incredibly weird and uncanny valley.

That leash is photoshopped on, and while I have never had nor walked a Great Dane, I am going to guess that you want a real leash, and not a photoshopped one, right?

I mean, look. It’s not even casting a shadow or making an indent into the seersucker:

A close up of a pair of pink and white seersucker shorts with the leash overlaid poorly in an x under the bum

She’s not even HOLDING THE LEASH.

A Close up of a person's hand with the leash loops resting underneath it

Resting a hand on the (photoshopped) leash is definitely not going to work when you’re attempting to walk a Great Dane. Male Danes can top out at 175-200 pounds (80-90kg). If that Dane is a full grown male and has decided it’s ocean swim time, or seagull chasing time, or digging a hole and taking a nap time, the leash is not going to stop him, real or not. Those two will end up in the sand or in the drink.

This was also peak “Build a website for your fictional small town” era, and no one did it better than Susan Mallery, who I believe was also the first romance author to have a signature phrase (“Read. Laugh. Love.”) for marketing.

A portion of an ad with three susan mallery books, some limes and strawberries and a green lime filled drink. At the bottom it says Explore The Destination for Romance at FoolsGoldCA.com

FoolsGoldCA.com now leads to the Fool’s Gold series page – but if you want a peek at the website for the town itself, you have to sign up for the ‘membership’ which is joining the newsletter.

Easy and free?!  Serious marketing savvy over there in Fool’s Gold and Mallery-ville.

This photo on the table of contents absolutely cracked me up. Not only was it peak “Put a dog on it,” AND peak “build a website for your fictional small town,” it was peak STEAMPUNK COSPLAY TIME.

And for the RT Convention in 2015, they want you to…

STEAMPUNK BALL - a photograph of a bosom. In a brown leather corset and ruffly blouse, with the words break out your cogs and corsets


“Break out your cogs and corsets,” sure, but…just the bosom? In the photo? I mean, okay?

So if you’re going back in time to the RT in 2015, remember to break out your cogs, corsets, and bosoms. Got it?

In the last issue, which was October 2000, we talked about how Kathryn Falk and Bertrice Small were very good friends – the nightie picture is unforgettable.

This month, Kathryn is mourning her friend, and included this lovely picture of Kathryn’s wedding, with Bertrice as a bridesmaid:

Bertrice Small, Kathryn Falk, and Carol Stacey at Kathryn's wedding, NOvember 2008. Bertrice has short dark hair and is wearing a gold and beige dress. Kathryn has red hair and is wearing atiara, a blue cape and a blue gown.

Amanda is absolutely in love with these bags made by Jane Elissa:

A few bags that are appliqued with cutouts of muscular dudes with no shirts on. The text reads JANE ELISSA ORIGINALS MADE IN THE USA EXCLUSIVELY FOR RT DALLAS! IF YOU'VE BEEN to an RT Convention and visited the bevy of talented vendors in Club RT, then you ne doubt have seen the gorgeous works of art by Jane Elissa - wonderfully colorful collages sewn onto hats, bags, jackets, shawls and more, usually in ro mantic motifs. For Dallas, she's created fun, Western-style items sure to bring a smile to your face. Bags will come in various sizes, from very large tote (right) to a small handbag (bottom leff) and other sizes in between. There is also a "Hug Me" pillow (top left) that every cowboy-loving girl should own! Jane is a staunch supporter of the Leukemia Foundation, and a portion of her sales will go toward research that will help find a cure for this deadly disease.

Meanwhile, I recognized the fabric – those muscular men are from fabric designed by Alexander Henry called “Wranglers,” and there are both muscular dudes and pinup girls in many of the designs.

Gothy witch pinup girls?

A close up of pinup style witches wearing black patent leather and grey and black stripes sitting on pumpkins and flying on brooms

And here’s a sample of “Wranglers” which according to the selvedge in the picture was released in 2005, so it’s hard to find now.

A picture of the Wranglers fabric pattern featuring shirtless muscular men in cowboy hats and jeans posing while flexing.

This has been Fabric Nerd Time with your host, me.

We discussed the possible construction of this blouse for a solid few minutes:

Anne Rice, a white lady with a grey and brown shoulder length bob with bangs, is wearing a VERY PUFFY SHIRT with some kind of neck piece that's silver and iridescent beads looped into a sort of bead cravat

First, that’s Anne Rice. Second, that is 10000% a Rock Star Lestat Blouse. What we couldn’t figure out was: is the neck part separate from the blouse part? Are there separate beaded and festooned cravats out there to go with a ruffly blouse? Or did the blouse already arrive bedazzled?

What does one search for when seeking a similar beaded cravat?

Wait, is that a cravat or an ascot? OR is it a beaded dickie?!

“Beaded Dickies” the new name of my fashion blog, btw. Get ready.

And we’ve got another peak, y’all.

Not only was it peak “Put a dog on it,” AND peak “build a website for your fictional small town,” ANDANDAND Steampunk Cosplay and Corset Time, it was…

Kilts and Daggers by Victoria Roberts. A white muscly guy is wearing a green and blue kilt with a length over one bare shoulder because of COURSE he doesnt' have a shirt on. He is leaning on a steep hill on a rock behind a white woman with blck hair and an off the shoulder gown that honestly looks like denim. He is positioned directly behind her like they're doing the butt secks.

UNINTENTIONAL BUTTSECKS COVER ART. On top of a flat rock on a steep hill is the perfect time for some Scottish Jolly Rogering if you know what I mean, and I think that you do.

Also her dress looks like it’s made of denim and I kind of love it.

At first glance, Amanda thought this guy had a problem:

Knight of ocean avenue with an illustration of a man with his arms folded across his chest wearing a tool belt and jeans with a red scarf wound into the belt loops except it looks like his intestines are falling out.

And that problem was that his intestines were leaving his body.


As Love Blooms, an inspirational with a white woman with blonde hair on the cover wearing a pink and brown dress and a fabulous chapeau tilted to the side with flowers around the brim in pink

Inspirationals: We give you Hat Envy.

This ad also caught our attention:

An ad for His Road HOme by Anna Richland, featuring a review quote from Carrie at the top

Look at that quote up top! It’s Carrie!!

So, to recap we have:


  • “Put a dog on it”
  • “build a website for your fictional small town”
  • Steampunk cosplay
  • Unintentional Buttsecks cover art

plus one more! It’s 2015. It’s a contemporary romance in a small town with cobblestone sidewalks (those are a bear to shovel). What is the heroine wearing?

A Match Made on Main Street by Olivia Miles - a white couple embracing because all these small towns were full of only white peopel which isn't creepy or anything, no, it's just fine, and the heroine is wearing a pink blouse top, skinny jeans, and flats.

Why, a cute top with skinny jeans and flats! It is peak peak skinny jeans and flats era. I bet she has a “going out top,” too.

Neither Amanda nor I liked this ad, because of these shoes:

A pair of TRULY ABSURD platform heels in patent leather with buckles, with the feet in first position in ballet, with the heel tips in some handcuffs and a rose in the middle, with a whip handle leaning across the shoes

Cute play on the month, of course, but was anyone wearing those shoes? Did they fall down? We ultimately arrived at the conclusion that the shoes were not being worn by anyone, because that’s a big platform to hold a first position in. To say nothing of balancing while picking up that whip handle.

So, folks, those are the Ads & Features from May 2015!

Remember, if you join the Patreon, you’ll get access to the entire issue as a PDF.

Do you recall peak everything? Did you read any of these books? Do you know where to get a bejeweled and bedazzled cravat ascot dickie?

What do you think? Do you remember any of these books? 

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