Here’s how we’re wrapping up our reading this July:
Shana: I just finished All the Right Notes by Dominic Lim ( A | BN | K ) and I adored it. It’s a beautiful gay romance about a pianist who reconnects with his first love. I almost cried when it ended because I didn’t want it to be over.
Elyse: I have been struggling hard with anxiety over the election and general state of the world. When my brain gets overwhelmed I either look to super detailed non fiction or something really big and immersive in terms of world building to keep my thoughts busy. The Game of Thrones series is a comfort read for me. I KNOW.
I just started The Shadow of the Gods by John Gwynne ( A | BN | K | AB ) which is a Viking-esque epic fantasy with monsters. I’m only 5% in though so I don’t know if it’s good yet.
Claudia: I’ve been reading a lot of words on paper lately. I’m now re-reading A Convenient Fiction by Mimi Matthews ( A | BN | K | AB ) since the brother of the FMC in that book is the MMC in her newest one out shortly.
Tara: I’m in the middle of Stars Collide by Rachel Lacey. ( A | BN ) I knew it was time to finally pick it up when I recently watched the narrator read a 10-minute segment at a conference. It’s a sapphic romance between an established pop star and and up-and-comer and I’m really enjoying it.
Lara: I wish I had more exciting reading to report. I’m still stuck in a cycle of comfort re-reading. Not sure how or when I’m going to brave a new-to-me book!
Sarah: What a cool idea for a conference panel, Tara! That probably sold a lot of copies!
I’m re-reading Lady Eve’s Last Con, a sapphic rom con heist in space. It’s extremely fun.
The reread is to prepare for the author event I’m doing Monday night. It’s been awhile since I’ve done an “in conversation with” event and I want it to be interesting and entertaining for the folks who come!
Sneezy: I’ve just stared Want to See My Cat? by Samtae
It’s SO SO CUTE and has such funny moments!!! I love this take on time travel!!! It’s so nice to see the main character loving herself up when she’s back in her early 20’s, like, “Wow! I’m so pretty! Make-up looks great because my skin’s great!” There’s something healing and lovely about seeing someone give love to their younger selves so directly. The story so far is also sidestepping some of my most haaaaated misogynistic tropes in romance webtoons. AND THE ANIMALS! OMG! It’s ADORABLE seeing the kitten teach the puppy to be an ‘awesome cat’!
How are you ending this month? Any winners to close out July?